Description of Duties
The City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator supervises the day-to-day operations of the City Government and is responsible for the employment and performance of all City staff.
The City Administrator makes recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on legislation, policies, programs and services. The City Administrator acts as the City's Purchasing Agent, Risk Manager, and Personnel Director.
The City Administrator is responsible for many duties including: supervising the engineering and building department, maintaining municipal infrastructure, and managing public capital improvement projects.
The City Administrator also oversees the design, construction, operation and maintenance of City facilities.

Description of Duties
The City Clerk is responsible for recording and filing official municipal records, preparation and distribution of City Ordinances and resolutions, meeting notices, agendas, minutes and filing official notices and advertisements.
The City Clerk performs voter registration, notary public services, accepts filing for candidacy in municipal elections, officially swears in public officials and employees and is the custodian of records and the Seal of the City.
The City Clerk also issues business and liquor licenses as well as permits. The City Clerk is a bonded Notary with the State of Missouri and notary services are available at City Hall.
The City Treasurer is responsible for all of the City's financial and accounting functions, as well as assisting the Mayor and City Administrator with the preparation of the City's Annual Budget, Cash Management and Investment, Purchasing and Property Management. The City Treasurer is assisted by a Certified Public Accountant who prepares audited financial statements annually.

Description of Duties
The City Engineer is responsible for MS4 compliance. Also, responsible for the review, permitting, and inspections for residential, commercial and City projects. Manages the Gateway Green Light system with St Charles County and more.
Solid Waste Coordinator:
Lindsay Jones
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement:
John Evans
Front Desk/Inspection Scheduling:
Hannah Glisson
Parks Maintenance:
Mike Braun