Municipal Occupancy Inspections
- If you are buying or selling your home in Cottleville please call 636-498-6565 press 0 to schedule your FREE inspection.
- If you are renting a home or apartment, buying or selling a commercial structure, a landlord or a property manager, please complete and submit this municipal occupancy inspection application along with the fee noted.
Public & Semi Public Pools Require a License & Inspection
As of late 2022, all public pools & semi public pools in Cottleville, are licensed and inspected by the St. Charles County Division of Health. Visit the St. Charles County Division of Health to obtain a license and for more information.
REPORT a Cottleville street light or traffic signal outage, down or Missing Street or Stop Sign online
AmerenUE and Cuivre River Electric are responsible for "keeping the lights on" in Cottleville. If you see a streetlight or traffic signal has burned out or a down or missing street or stop sign, submit your request by using this online form.
The pole ID number, or an adjacent street address is required so it can be replaced, repaired, or reported to the appropriate electric company.

utilities in the City of Cottleville
- Ameren UE: 1-800-552-7583
- Cuivre River Electric: 636-441-7410
- City of Cottleville questions: 636-498-6565 dial 4
- new service form
- City of Cottleville questions: 636-498-6565 dial 4
- Duckett Creek: 636-441-1244
- St. Peters: 636-477-6600
- Missouri American Water: 866-430-0820
- St. Peters: 636-477-6600


Notary Public Services
Amy C. Lewis, City Clerk, is a bonded Notary with the State of Missouri and notary services are available at City Hall during normal business hours. A appointment is recommended. Call 636-498-6565 dial 5.
New Residents - One Free Cardboard Pick Up
Summertime brings fun in the sun, but it also means pesky critters which can be annoying, and even dangerous. Cottleville contracts with St. Charles County Environmental Service for Mosquito control. If you need to request additional mosquito control in your neighborhood please submit your request using this online form.
Mosquito safety is as easy as A, B, C, D...
Avoid bites---use insect repellent!
Be safe---always follow the repellent label instructions!
Cover up---wear loose, light-colored long sleeves and pants!
Dump---remove standing water around your home to reduce mosquito habitat!
The best way that citizens can help, is to eliminate breeding grounds on their own property. Clogged gutters, potted plant trays, buckets and lids, old tires, garden ponds, etc. are an oasis of breeding grounds for mosquitos!
** Please visit St. Charles County Mosquito Control Program, for more information.
HOW TO report a Cottlleville street slab(s), curb(s), pothole(s), or sidewalk(s) in need of repair
The City does projects throughout the City and in Cottleville subdivisions each year. Each winter thaw and especially with the salt added to City roadways, potholes and erosion start to appear each spring. Repairs continue throughout each year by using City staff, contractors, and the St. Charles County Highway Department.
Please report street slab(s), curb(s) pothole(s), or sidewalk(s) in need of repair using this online form.
Snowplow services-Report concerns or comments online
Snowplow services are provided by staff and the St. Charles County Highway Department. Please be patient while crews salt and plow throughout the City. Also, please move vehicles off the street in order for the plows to get through and use caution when traveling on snow or ice covered roads.
Please report any snow plowing requests, concerns, or comments using this online form.
Code Enforcement-report online
The City provides Code Enforcement services for things such as tall grass and weeds, peeling paint, missing windows or siding and other property maintenance items. Please report any code enforcement requests using this online form.
Animal Control
Cottleville animal control services are provided by St. Charles County Animal Control. For more information please visit their website. __________________________________________________________________________________
cottleville approved mailing addresses
Cottleville residents should have their Missouri Driver's License or ID Card issued or renewed with their "Cottleville, Mo" address followed by their accurate zip code. The United States Postal Service and the Missouri Department of Revenue database include these approved zip codes; 63366, 63304 and 63376. These are authorized choices to use for "Cottleville, Mo" residents followed by your accurate zip code on all of your mail AND your Missouri Driver License or ID card. The United States Postal Service Postal approved using "Cottleville, Mo" many years ago for all Cottleville residents.
Having identification with your correct and current City name is very beneficial to you as a motor vehicle operator and as a consumer.
Don't pass up your next opportunity to renew your license or ID card with your "Cottleville", Mo address printed on it followed by your current zip code.
All City of Cottleville residents AND businesses should be using
"Cottleville, Mo" followed by their accurate zip code as their City identification, for their permanent address on all utility bills, as well as ALL other mail. Using the correct City identification (Cottleville, Mo) with your accurate zip code could help save YOU money as Cottleville tax rates are often less than neighboring cities!
*Taxes collected and dispersed are often based upon a City zip code. For example, if you are a Cottleville resident and are currently using
"St. Peters, Mo" or "St. Charles, Mo" or "O'Fallon, Mo" as your address, you MAY be paying a higher tax rate on your leased vehicle, purchased vehicles, phone bills, utility bills, online purchases, cable bills, gas bills, electric bills, water bills, and other invoices, etc. As a result, you may lose money AND the City of Cottleville may also lose the tax revenue to the wrong City listed on that bill or purchase. Those taxes are used to provide vital services such as parks, police, street repair, street lights, side walk repairs and so on.
It is important to note this advisory by the United States Postal Service:
To avoid mail delivery delays, you must always use the correct City and zip code on your mail.
Cottleville, MO 63304 - Cottleville Resident Mail Delivery
Cottleville, MO 63376 - Cottleville Resident Mail Delivery
Cottleville, MO 63366 - Cottleville Resident Mail Delivery
Cottleville, MO 63338 - Cottleville P. O. Boxes Only
Please report any errors or undelivered mail to your postal carrier or local postmaster. Request they make the correction to Cottleville, Mo.
EV Charging Stations
In 2023, two dual electric vehicle charging stations (including for golf carts) were installed along Highway N in the Old Town Cottleville area which was at the request of the Old Town Community Improvement District. The project was fully funded by AmerenUE and the Old Town Community Improvement District with NO costs to the City of Cottleville. The consumer pays for their electric service at the EV stations. If you come by golf cart or electric vehicle to visit, shop or dine in Cottleville we have you covered!